Monday, August 31, 2020

The Results and a Transfer

 Blog #7-- Same Time Frame

It takes a few hours to get the results back from the MRI and the blood work. So, in the mean time, I am moved to another floor. One that is intended for the less severe cases. That made me feel great. I must be on the mend. After three days, I will get to go home like I thought. 

I have called and updated everyone that I need to. My husband, my mother, a handful of friends and let them know what was going on.

And I told them that things were starting to look up. I had been moved and my headaches were back under control. I was feeling so hopeful. 

My mom and husband even supplied me with more clothing and materials. By materials I mean food and drink. At one point, my mom was dropping my stuff off and getting my dirty clothes, she was able to find my window and we got to stand there and wave to each other. It was hard. She started crying, which of course made me cry. I don't think anyone really knows what it is like to be in the hospital and not receive visitors. Especially when you don't understand the medical lingo or are unsure about what is going on with you health wise.

I could have really used my mom and my husband that hospital visit and for the hospital visit to come. Maybe that is why I am pro-mask. And that is why I take Covid seriously. I want those people that are in the hospital who need a visitor to be able to get that. And if I am going to help slow the spread by wearing a mask and be a considerate person, I will do my part. 

Everyday the doctors check on you. So you get to know the doctors and are able to ask the questions that are on your mind and discuss your health with them. Even though my health is a giant question mark, I appreciate those moments. One doctor tells me my white blood cell count from my spinal tap is high and that is why they think I have the menge. Another doctor tells me that they are not sure of how they want to proceed with me but they are going to give me medications to help with the pressure in my head and hopefully that will help stop or slow the migraines.

But that evening, a doctor I have never met before comes just rushing in. He introduces himself as a neurosurgeon and then tells me they did find something on my MRI but they aren't sure what it is. They want to do surgery in two days and are going to transfer me to the main campus. He asks me if I have any questions, gives me a minute to process this information and come up with a question, and then leaves. 

I am sitting there stunned. I quickly call my husband and tell him what's going on. We make a plan that he is going to ask his nurse sister what her thoughts are and I am going to as my nurse mother what her thoughts are and then we were going to talk again. 

So I talk to my mom and she tells me she wants me to stay with that hospital. Since she used to work there she knows the doctors and knows their reputations so she wants me to stay there. Camrin's sister says she wants me to transfer to another hospital. She currently works there and has heard horror stories. She said they are great for everything but if it has to do with the head, to just leave go to another hospital. Because we were still unsure, she even asked another doctor who worked with the same hospital and she agreed with Camrin's sister. After a lengthy discussion and having to get over my fear of upsetting my mother, we decided to transfer. 

The transfer was set up for that night. We didn't know when the call would come in that there was a bed available or if it was even going to be the same day, but we had to be ready for the call. Thankfully, I was able to be transported that night. I wasn't able to have Camrin take me like I wanted, but it was okay. The ambulance people were still super nice. And I got to the new hospital by midnight. 

I'll talk to you all next time! Stay Unique, Rare, & Unicorn-Like!

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