Monday, August 31, 2020

The Results and a Transfer

 Blog #7-- Same Time Frame

It takes a few hours to get the results back from the MRI and the blood work. So, in the mean time, I am moved to another floor. One that is intended for the less severe cases. That made me feel great. I must be on the mend. After three days, I will get to go home like I thought. 

I have called and updated everyone that I need to. My husband, my mother, a handful of friends and let them know what was going on.

The First MRI

 Blog #6 --Same Time

My headaches are now getting better thanks to the antibiotics. They make all the difference in the world at this point and I am convinced that everything that is wrong, is the menge. Because everything seems to be calming down with the help of antibiotics. So, when they take me down for my MRI, I don't really think anything of it.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Second Hospital Stay

Blog #5 Right After The Second Spinal Tap

Once they had completed the second tap, they sent me up to my room. I was in isolation again, because of possible meningitis. One thing I will say about this hospital, is their rooms. They were so nice! Private, colorful, and spacious. You didn't get a feeling that you were in a hospital. I appreciated that. 

Once I was in my room, a nurse came around and got my information all while making sure I had everything I needed. It was too soon for test results or anything like that, so I still didn't know what to expect from anything. But she got me ready for an IV and got my gown on me.

What was so strange about this whole thing is that

Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Second Spinal Tap

 Blog #4 May

Have you ever had a spinal tap? If you hadn't, this post may or may not sway you if you ever need one done in the future. Because had I known that it could go like this, I probably would have never agreed. I had been lucky with the first one. Apparently, they don't all go that smoothly. 

So, the resident came in with the whole set up. He had cleaned himself up and was preparing everything. He asked the nurse to get me into position. The 'position' is slightly bent with my back arched for easy access to my spine. You may think you know how to do this, but you don't. I had to be moved three times before I had gotten this right. If I was smart,

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

A Month Later

 Blog #3 End of April-May

For a whole month, I felt fine. I was able to resume my normal activities. I went back to work and just lived my life. All I had was a dull headache from time to time, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. My hospital visit was just a distant memory. And that is how I wanted to keep it. 

Until. It was almost a whole month to the day and the headache started coming back. I didn't tell anyone about it yet. I just let it sit there. You may ask why I did this? Well, because, it didn't start out horrendously bad like it was before. So again, my stubborn self kept thinking it would go away. Take some

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The First Hospital Stay ---(please pay attention to the 'read more' option)

So to pick up where I had left off... spinal tap, the menge, and then admitted into the hospital. I had never in my life been admitted into the hospital. Understandably, it was going to be a scary experience. On top of all of that, Covid-19 had just hit the United States. So there were no visitors allowed into the hospital. Because of that, the stress kept just adding up. 

Finally on Saturday, I get to talk to a doctor. They suspect I have meningitis. However, I didn't display any of the other symptoms. I didn't have the stiff neck, muscle pains, or anything. Just a very bad migraine that would not go away. They started me on a round of antibiotics and the pain started to subside that same day with pain relievers. Also, my amazing and wonderful husband brought me all the necessities I would need for my hospital stay. At least, it was our best guess, as neither of us had stayed in the hospital before.

Friday, August 7, 2020

The Menge ---(please pay attention to the 'read more' option)

So in order to tell this story, I have to go all the way back to the beginning. Which actually is the very end of March. So, technically not the full summer. But that's okay. 

So for the last week of March, I got a migraine. I mean head pounding, light and sound killed me, migraine. It was one of those ones you kind of wished for death because it hurt so bad. But, I kept on moving on because I had no other choice. I had a job to go to if I wanted to pay my bills. I had friends and family who were counting on me for support. I was plowing through with a headache that wouldn't go away with any pain medications.