Monday, August 31, 2020

The Results and a Transfer

 Blog #7-- Same Time Frame

It takes a few hours to get the results back from the MRI and the blood work. So, in the mean time, I am moved to another floor. One that is intended for the less severe cases. That made me feel great. I must be on the mend. After three days, I will get to go home like I thought. 

I have called and updated everyone that I need to. My husband, my mother, a handful of friends and let them know what was going on.

The First MRI

 Blog #6 --Same Time

My headaches are now getting better thanks to the antibiotics. They make all the difference in the world at this point and I am convinced that everything that is wrong, is the menge. Because everything seems to be calming down with the help of antibiotics. So, when they take me down for my MRI, I don't really think anything of it.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Second Hospital Stay

Blog #5 Right After The Second Spinal Tap

Once they had completed the second tap, they sent me up to my room. I was in isolation again, because of possible meningitis. One thing I will say about this hospital, is their rooms. They were so nice! Private, colorful, and spacious. You didn't get a feeling that you were in a hospital. I appreciated that. 

Once I was in my room, a nurse came around and got my information all while making sure I had everything I needed. It was too soon for test results or anything like that, so I still didn't know what to expect from anything. But she got me ready for an IV and got my gown on me.

What was so strange about this whole thing is that